So you want to be rich? Not a bad idea, my friend!
Before I tell you how to do that, LET ME CLARIFY TWO THINGS.
The title of this article didn’t say that it will teach you how to be wealthy, which differs from being rich; I’m not promising you will have plenty of assets in your portfolio.
I also didn’t say you will become filthy rich to shop for a property in the middle of London, a yacht, and a private jet.
The three strategies I will share with you will make you rich enough to earn top-six to seven figures a year in revenue.
For this article, I dismissed traditional businesses because they are risky and require tons of management skills and cash to scale and become profitable.
I also dismissed cryptocurrency, NFTs, stock investment, or any speculation that relies heavily on luck and the market’s mood.
Anything that has to do with success by accident is out of the list.
I’m a marketing strategist and have had the chance to teach tens of thousands of students online, work with hundreds of clients across the globe, and join tens of marketing events.
At the end of this article, I will not sell you an online course, ask you to join my webinar, or pitch you a coaching program or a strategy session; consider this article a generous gift from me.
I’m financially independent, and I’m okay to help you here for free.
The first strategy I will share with you is selling a physical product, the second is building a content engine, and the third is developing a personal brand.
Pick one of them and give it your complete focus for three years, and you will have a greater chance of getting financial freedom, as many of us did.
One thing essential to succeed in these three strategies is to adopt the growth marketing method instead of being a traditional business owner.
You aim to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible; you invest heavily first and earn later.
3 Legit Online Businesses to Reaching Financial Freedom
Dropshipping It’s one of the fastest and safest ways to sell a physical product online.
Drop shipping allows you to browse and sell millions of products from different countries and sell them to millions of customers around the globe without stocking a single product.
To succeed in drop shipping, you need three primary things.
1. Product research team: the job of this team is to hunt for the newest and top trending products on the internet and act quickly.
2. Marketing and advertising team: the job of this team is to make exciting video ads, shoot eye-grabbing product photography, write convincing product descriptions, manage email marketing promotions, run social media advertising and manage customer service.
3. Marketing budget: to succeed in drop shipping, you need to test many products and scale the ones that work fast; you must have access to cash on hand to scale your winning products immediately.
A couple of thousands of dollars won’t cut it; a minimum of $5K is required to kick-start the business and test a few products, and an extra $50k on hand for scaling a winning marketing campaign.
The goal of a small drop shipping website isn’t to stay in the business of drop shipping but to find a winning product, white label it, and turn it into a lifestyle brand.
In this business, you make the most money when you sell the online store or the brand.
Content Engine Portal
Information is the fastest way to grow on the internet at the lowest cost; creating an online portal and earning money through affiliate marketing is a proven way to get to six or seven figures business within a couple of years.
To succeed in content creation, you will need three things.
1. A professional SEO writers team: the job of this team is to work around the clock to create search and buy intents articles around essential topics, including money, health, beauty, travel, gaming, technology, personal development, and entrepreneurship.
2. A PR assistant: the job of this assistant is to reach other websites, request writing guest articles, and build backlinks.
3. Data analyst or a website manager: this person’s job is to analyze data and find what is working and what isn’t, optimize your content and scale your business.
This business model aims to reach a minimum of 350,000 to 500,000 monthly visitors within eighteen months and generate income through advertising and affiliate marketing. You make the most money when you sell the website.
A Personal Brand
Building a personal brand is the fastest and simplest way for creators to become financially independent.
To build a powerful personal brand that is profitable, you will need three things.
1. A consistent brand image focusing on a niche around money and wealth, health, spirituality, beauty, travel, gaming, technology, personal development, or entrepreneurship.
2. A result-driven or storytelling content, the first relies on creating content that delivers instant results for solving a specific problem, such as losing fat fast and saving or making money in the short term, and the second relies on entertaining.
3. A data-driven process to duplicate and scale effective content.
With this strategy, you focus on building an audience; you convert your earning source from selling products and services to social currency.
Over time, you can diversify your income streams by selling digital products, such as online courses, coaching programs, memberships, advertising, and affiliate and sponsored products.
The people who win the most in this strategy are those who play for the long term; they create tons of engaging content and offer it for free to build the most extensive base of an
audience, then leverage that audience as an asset to get a book or reality show deal.
Now you know why this article is for free!
There are hundreds of ways to become financially independent. Still, I have seen those three businesses repeatedly succeed with the lowest risk, investment, and the shortest possible period.
Before we end this, I’m not promising you will succeed, or you will become rich; don’t fail, then sue me for it.
I’m saying that these businesses have the highest probability of getting you to financial independence.
Pick the best strategy that fits your interest and budget, treat it as a business, not a hobby, and give it your complete focus for three years.
Please share this article with someone who needs it if you find it valuable.
I don’t ask you to buy my course, my book, schedule a strategy call, or join my webinar. Kindly help me spread the message.
I would also love to hear about your experience in business and how you plan on reaching financial independence. I value your insights!